GHD Machine



 GHD machine, also known as a glute-ham developer or glute-ham raise machine, is a specialized piece of exercise equipment used to target and develop the muscles of the posterior chain, particularly the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

The GHD machine typically consists of a base with footrests, a padded roller or GHD pad, and adjustable settings to accommodate users of different sizes. It is designed to allow users to perform exercises in a prone position with their hips resting on the pad and feet secured under the footrests.

Here are a few common exercises that can be performed on a GHD machine:

  1. Glute-Ham Raise: Start by positioning yourself with your knees on the pad and your feet secured under the footrests. Lower your upper body toward the floor while keeping your glutes and hamstrings engaged, and then raise back up to a fully extended position using your glutes and hamstrings. This exercise primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

  2. Back Extensions: Position yourself with your hips on the pad, and your upper body hanging freely. Lower your upper body towards the floor while keeping your back straight and engaged, and then raise back up until your body is in a straight line. This exercise primarily targets the lower back muscles.

  3. Sit-Ups: Secure your feet under the footrests and position yourself with your body facing upward. Perform sit-up movements, engaging your core muscles to lift your upper body toward your knees. This exercise primarily targets the abdominal muscles.


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