Floor GHD Machine



A “floor GHD machine” typically refers to a portable or DIY version of the glute-ham developer (GHD) machine that can be set up on the floor without requiring a dedicated piece of equipment. This type of setup often involves using a bench or platform to anchor the feet, while the upper body remains free to perform glute-ham exercises.

To create a floor GHD machine setup, you would need the following:

  1. Bench or Platform: Choose a sturdy bench or platform that can support your weight and remain stable during exercises.

  2. Anchoring System: Secure the bench or platform in place to prevent it from moving while you perform the exercises. This can be achieved by placing weight plates on the base or using straps or bands to anchor it to a solid object.

  3. Padding or Support: You might want to add padding or support on the bench or platform to make it more comfortable to perform exercises.

Once you have set up your floor GHD machine, you can perform exercises similar to those done on a traditional GHD machine. Here are a few examples:

  1. Glute-Ham Raises: Position yourself with your hips on the bench or platform and your feet anchored. Lower your upper body toward the floor while keeping your glutes and hamstrings engaged, and then raise back up until your body is in a straight line. This exercise primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

  2. Back Extensions: Position yourself with your hips on the bench or platform and your upper body hanging freely. Lower your upper body towards the floor while keeping your back straight and engaged, and then raise back up until your body is in a straight line. This exercise primarily targets the lower back muscles.

  3. Sit-Ups: Secure your feet under the bench or platform and position yourself with your body facing upward. Perform sit-up movements, engaging your core muscles to lift your upper body towards your knees. This exercise primarily targets the abdominal muscles.


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